Photo: Coffee Minister, Hon Joe Kuli Newly appointed coffee minister and Member for Anglimp-South Waghi, Hon. Joe Kuli is adamant in seeing that the government’s targets set for increasing coffee production and exports is progressed under his leadership. Minister Kuli said this during a recent meeting with the Coffee Industry Corporation Limited (CICL)...
Photo: Keith Scott, the British High Commissioner to PNG The British Government, as a significant partner, wants to help Papua New Guinea access its natural resources, especially agriculture, according to British High Commissioner Keith Scott. Scott visited Goroka to see coffee production along with Dr. Ruth Wiseman, director of Oceania, South-East ...
Photo credit: Paga Hill Estate Large scale Cocoa farming is not something that is familiar in the highlands region of Papua New Guinea but the Chimbu Province in the highlands region is breaking barriers by engaging in large scale Cocoa farming for commercial purposes. For many this may sound peculiar because we have never heard of Cocoa being farme...
For the duration of 2023, the agriculture sector's planned operations would require a budgetary expenditure of K1 billion. Dr. Nelson Simbiken, acting secretary for the Department of Agriculture and Livestock, stated that the government must provide between K500 million and K1 billion to the sector if K1 billion is not possible. Nine commodity secto...
According to Prime Minister James Marape, commercial agriculture, fisheries, and forestry will be used to strengthen the rural economy of the nation. Marape stated that a strong agricultural foundation was a goal of the government. “Growing the rural economy through agriculture presents many opportunities,” he said. “We must explore commercial ag...
Photo credit: PNG Bulletin Fisheries and Marine Resources Minister, Hon Jelta Wong, MP, has stated that THE Prime Minister Hon James Marape has opened doors to create new market opportunities for PNG seafood exports to Japan. He said this when welcoming the Prime Minister upon his return from international duties. “The Prime Minister is the first Mi...
Photo credit: Verdict According to Prime Minister James Marape, Papua New Guinea can learn a lot from Israel, particularly in the field of agricultural technology. Marape made the comment in Parliament in response to a query from Morobe Governor Luther Wenge on the potential for PNG to open an embassy in Israel and vice versa as a Christian nation. ...
Photo credit: China Daily According to an official, the governments of China and Papua New Guinea are collaborating on a feasibility assessment for a prospective bilateral free trade agreement (FTA). According to a representative for the Chinese embassy, the FTA may help to increase bilateral commerce, particularly in the food and agriculture sector...
Photo credit: Paga Hill For the country to produce more cocoa, there has to be more cooperation between the provincial administrations and the local cocoa farmers. The partnership is the only way to forward the work, according to Albert Nukuitu, chairman of the Papua New Guinea Cocoa Board. He stated that the PNG Cocoa Board is committed to such ...
A potential large-scale rice farming company in the Philippines will be sending a delegation to Papua New Guinea in November this year to evaluate the country’s potential for large-scale rice farming in Central Province. Richard Maru, the minister for international trade and investment, emphasised this as one of his accomplishment goals during a recent...
The EU-STREIT PNG Programme in collaboration with the Cocoa Board rolled out eight capacity building workshops for 470 local cocoa processors on cocoa quality control measures. The Greater Sepik region of Papua New Guinea is leading area in cocoa production in the country, but quality has been a concern compared to other cocoa producing provinces. ...
Photo credit: Oxford Business Group The creation of the new ministries by the current government for both major agricultural commodities, Coffee and Oil Palm is a huge step forward in achieving the agriculture sectors economic potential. For the past years the agricultural sector had not been fully utilized by consecutive governments as the focus ha...
Photo: EU-STREIT PNG addresses gender-based violence and its subsequent negative impact on inclusive participation and transformational change in seven remote villages in Sandaun Province A 5-day intensive training workshop on establishing and organising agri-business groups, with a focus on Group Leadership and Business Management skills, was recently...
Best industry practises and certification standards, according to OIL Palm Minister Francis Maneke, are crucial for both the agriculture sector and the oil palm business. Maneke said that it will make agriculture more sustainable and continue to boost the economy during a sector meeting on Monday in Port Moresby. He complimented the government for d...
EU-STREIT PNG started work on two additional farm-to-market access roads in Sandaun and East Sepik provinces totalling 56 plus km, to serve over 16,000 villagers, including businesspersons, women and school children, with improved access to towns, health posts and schools. The International Labour Organization (ILO) under the EU Funded UN Joint STREI...
The president & chairman of Papua New Guinea's Fishing Industry Association (FIA), Sylvester Barth Pokajam is calling on the new Government to reform its National Fisheries Authority policy document. This policy document provides the legal framework and guides the regulatory regime of the fisheries sector. The policy should focus more on key areas ...
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