Two important documents as part of the important milestones to be ticked off by the State and its project partners were signed today at the Government House this morning. The Prime Minister delayed his scheduled visit to Oro Province this morning to observe this important signing. These are the Deed of Amendment to the Porgera Project Commencement Agreeme...
To fulfill its commitment to diversity and inclusion, St Barbara, operator of Simberi gold mine in New Ireland, has announced a generous parental leave package for its employees. Women staff can now take four months fully paid maternity leave to recover from pregnancy and childbirth while bonding with their babies while the men are entitled to 15 days ...
The National Government has granted a Special Purpose Lease to Newcrest’s wholly owned subsidiary Lihir Gold Limited (LGL), which now allows the company to develop the Londolovit Township on Lihir Island further. Minister for Department of Lands and Physical Planning, Mr John Rosso, handed over the Special Purpose Lease (SPL) for Portion 1021 in Lihir,...
Photo credit: K92 Mining K92 Mining Inc. is pleased to announce results from its financial statements for the three and twelve months ended December 31, 2021. Safety Strong focus on safety with zero lost time incidents (“ LTI ”) in the fourth quarter. Since the start of operations, Kainantu has had one of the best safety records in the Austra...
Photo: Figure 1: Feni Island – showing Kabang drilling area – other prospects also shown Adyton Resources Corporation is pleased to report that petrology work carried out on the highly successful diamond drill hole ADK004 (see TSXV Release 01 December 2021) supports the existence of two styles of mineralization – a shallower epithermal style overprinti...
Mayur Resources Ltd has declared that it will engage a partner to expand its Central cement and lime project. According to the company's half-year report, which concluded December 31, it will make a final investment decision this year. This year, the group will concentrate on: Bringing on board a strategic development partner for the project, ...
St Barbara Limited now expects Simberi will produce between 25-30koz at an AISC of $3,200-3,600 per ounce in FY22. Group FY22 production has been updated to 275-290koz and AISC of $1,750-1,870 per ounce. Guidance for Leonora and Atlantic remain unchanged. St Barbara Limited withdrew guidance for its Simberi operations on 18 February 2022 due to signif...
Senior executives from Newcrest flew into Kavieng to pay Governor Sir Julius Chan and his administration a courtesy visit. Sandeep Biswas, the managing director and CEO, was joined by Stanley Komunt, the national manager, Tim Bryson, the strategic engagement manager, and Felix Kipalan, the environment, social, and government manager. Discussions cen...
Ian Tarutia, president of the Papua New Guinea Chamber of Commerce and Industry, is pleased to hear that the Porgera Mine will reopen next month. “The closure two years ago and its consequences had an adverse impact on the country’s economy in terms of foregone tax revenue, royalties and unemployment of more than 3,000 workers,” he said. “We are hop...
Photo credit: Bougainville Copper Limited The Panguna Mine Legacy Impact Committee held its second meeting early this month in preparation towards the detailed impact assessment set to commence in mid-2022. The Committee heard a presentation from the technical consultant Tetra Tech Coffey where they presented their initial findings and recommendatio...
When the Porgera mine reopens, Papua New Guinea Prime Minister James Marape says 3,500 former employees would be given "first consideration for jobs." According to him, the government had requested that all former mine personnel be given priority consideration. Marape was responding to a question about the Porgera Mine and Allied Workers Union urging t...
Photo credit: Geopacific Resources - Figure 1: Kulumadau cross section Geopacific Resources Ltd is pleased to provide further updates on its successful grade control and resource extension drilling at the Woodlark Gold Project. Chief Executive Officer, Tim Richards commented “The grade control drilling campaign continues to deliver encouraging...
The K19 billion (US$5.4 billion) Wafi-Golpu project must benefit landowners and the people of Morobe, according to Papua New Guinea's Morobe Governor Ginson Saonu. “The ongoing development of the Wafi-Golpu mining project (shows) our commitment to ensure that the people of Morobe favourably benefit from this project,” he said. “The Morobe government...
Mineral Resources Authority (MRA) executive director Jerry Garry says the state is hoping that agreements for the US$5.4 billion (K18.5 billion) Wafi-Golpu mining project in Morobe would be finalized in the first quarter of this year. He stated the State Negotiation Team (SNT) was working on a mining development agreement, and that many of the terms in...
Newcrest Mining, whose interests in PNG include the Lihir Gold mine and a 50% share in the proposed WafiGolpu project with Harmony Gold Mining Company Limited, has a long-standing partnership with PNG. Newcrest MD and CEO, Sandeep Biswas, travelled to Port Moresby this week and met with Prime Minister James Marape, during which he reaffirmed the compan...
Photo credit: Mayur Resources - Central Cement and Lime Project - Decarbonisation Roadmap Mayur Resources Limited has executed a Collaboration Agreement with ASX listed First Graphene Ltd for the development of graphene derived additives for cement manufacturing specific to low carbon cements and Portland Limestone Cements (PLC). The intent of the Agre...
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