To help landowners maximise the productivity and benefits of their land, PNG Biomass is promoting and encouraging the practice of intercropping - where individuals can plant cash crops in between rows.An example is the communities in Markham Valley where new landowner groups are now expecting to open up their land to small-scale agroforestry production. W...
As a measure to partner with financial institutions, the Centre for Excellence in Financial Inclusion (CEFI) recently conducted a workshop in agriculture lending and implementing the Market For Village Farmers Project. In his opening remarks, CEFI Executive Director Saliya Ranasinghe said, “One of the differences with this particular project is that we wo...
As part of the government’s medium-term plan to reach its vision of going rural, Prime Minister James Marape has recently launched the K2.3 billion agriculture medium-term development plan 2020-2022 which took a year to plan and design.The Agriculture Department and the Department of National Planning and Monitoring worked on this development plan.Accordi...
In a visit to the Erap Department of Agriculture and Livestock (DAL) station in Huon Gulf, Morobe, Agriculture and Livestock Minister John Simon said that agriculture can boost and contribute to the economy of the country. He added that through this industry, the country can increase foreign exchange (forex) by increasing export in commodities and the imp...
Starting October 2020 all coffee exports will only be facilitated through the use of the Coffee Industry Corporations (CICs) new online export management system.This is in line with the CIC’s strategic focus on moving towards digitalization by processing and documenting coffee exports from Lae and other authorized ports using the new online Coffee Export ...
When we focus on growing or developing an industry, we must also ensure that the same attention is given to investing in research says Minister for Agriculture and Livestock and Member for Maprik John Simon.Minister Simon spoke these words in the presence of heads of the Kokonas Indasri Koporesian while paying an official visit to the organization’s Stuar...
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