Porgera Project Embarks on Community Development Agreement Discussions

By: Roselyn Erehe May 27, 2024

Mining Minister Hon Muguwa Dilu speaking at the CDA launching in Pogera, Enga Province. - image provided by MRA

Mining Minister Hon. Muguwa Dilu has inaugurated the Community Development Agreement (CDA) negotiations for the Porgera Mining Project in Porgera, Enga Province.


The CDA process, which commenced on May 20 in Wabag, marks a pivotal juncture where landowners and stakeholders will deliberate on the benefits stemming from the Porgera Project.

Minister Dilu underscored the government's commitment to this process, emphasizing adherence to pertinent legislation governing such negotiations.

He told the landowners that the Marape-Rosso Government was committed to the CDA process and would ensure that the relevant government agencies would avail the necessary resources towards the staging of the meeting.

Minister Dilu said, “The Marape-Rosso Government, is the people’s government and you all know that. Whatever big decisions we make, we must make according to close consultation with the people and stakeholders.”

He said everyone involved in the process was equally important, as they all would sacrifice their resources so that the project could operate.

Acknowledging the indispensable role of all stakeholders, Minister Dilu emphasized the collective effort required for project success. He illustrated the interconnectedness of various stakeholders, highlighting the pivotal role of landowners in facilitating essential infrastructure like power lines.

For instance, if the power line landowners of Hela did not avail their land for power lines to run through, there would not be power supply to the mine, hence the mine would not operate.

He gave credit to all landowners of the project for their patience and commitment over the last four years when the government and Barrick were in negotiations.

"This is a crucial government process outlined under the Mining Act 1992 and various other laws," Minister Dilu affirmed, urging stakeholders to negotiate within the legal framework.

He reassured the community of the government's unwavering support, vowing to allocate necessary resources for the negotiations.

The Managing Director of the Mineral Resources Authority (MRA), Jerry Garry, echoed Minister Dilu's sentiments, urging unity among the populace to facilitate smooth project operations.

James McTiernan, General Manager of New Porgera Limited (NPL), expressed optimism regarding the CDA negotiations, emphasizing its potential to secure benefits for current and future generations.

Treasurer of the Porgera Landowners Association, Nickson Mangape, expressed his community's anticipation for the CDA process, especially in terms of economic opportunities and contracts. He said his people had been waiting for the CDA process for the last 4 years.

He said his people had been waiting for the CDA process for the last 4 years as they were looking forward to benefiting from the project, especially in terms of business-spin offs and contracts.

The launch of the CDA negotiations follows months of consultative meetings with all project stakeholders, culminating in the CDA ceremony.

Present at the occasion were Mr. Garry, Secretaries for the Departments of Treasury and Provincial & Local Level Government, alongside representatives from various landowning entities.

Key parties involved in the negotiations include the Enga Provincial Government, Special Mining Lease (SML) Landowners, New Porgera Limited (NPL), and Porgera Rural Local Level Government, alongside other tenement landowners.

As Porgera embarks on this critical phase of negotiation, stakeholders are poised to shape a mutually beneficial agreement, ensuring sustainable development and prosperity for the region for years to come.

The MRA's Managing Director Jerry Garry, urged the people to stop fighting amongst each other and live peacefully, so that the project could operate without impediments.

Mr. McTiernan said the NPL was pleased to witness the launch of the CDA negotiations, adding that the CDA was a good opportunity for landowners of Porgera, to negotiate their benefits and that of their future generations.

The NPL hoped that the launching is a step towards the general success of the mine’s operations for the next 20 years and beyond, as Mr. McTiernan said it wished to see benefits distributed fairly and to ensure a long term social license across the company’s project footprint.

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