Prime Minister Marape and Government MPs Celebrate World Environment Day by Planting Trees in Port Moresby

By: PNG Business News June 10, 2024

Prime Minister Hon. James Marape and Government MPs marked the 2024 World Environment Day by planting trees along Independence Boulevard in Port Moresby recently before heading to Parliament. The event was organised by the National Capital District Commission and Governor Hon. Powes Parkop.

In his address, Prime Minister Marape urged all Papua New Guineans to plant a tree a year and logging companies to plant four trees for every tree they chop down.

“In the midst of the current political landscape, we, as a government, have gathered here to plant a tree in honour of this significant day,” stated Prime Minister Marape.

“Trees produce oxygen. Oxygen gives life.

“If God was to charge us for the oxygen we breathe, we would neither have the money to pay for this, nor would we survive.

“I want to encourage every Papua New Guinean right across the country to plant one tree a year.

“When you cut down a tree, are you planting a new tree? Where were you when the tree was planted?

“We must reflect on this on World Environment Day today and going forward.

“We must be a nation that plants trees.

“To our logging companies: Law requires that when you cut down one tree, you plant four.

“I hope we are monitoring this as the Executive Government, through the Forests Department, enforced the policy that if you cut down one tree, you plant four trees.”

Highlighting the crucial role of trees in sustaining human life by providing essential oxygen, Prime Minister Marape emphasised the importance of initiatives like the tree-planting program.

The programme aims to plant one million trees across Port Moresby, and he encouraged all citizens to join in this green endeavor.

Prime Minister Marape commended this year’s World Environment Day theme: ‘Land Restoration, Desertification, and Drought Resilience – Our Land, Our Future, We are Generation Restoration’.

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