PNG Tourism Showcased in Fiji Tourism Expo

By: Roselyn Erehe May 27, 2024

Standing from left to right: TPA’s Accountant, Emilia Jeffrey, TPA’s Data Entry Officer, Wari Ricky, TPA’s Senior Marketing Office, Simon Pih, an officer from the Melanesian Safari Limited, the General Manager for the Melanesian Safari Limited Safari Limited, Glynn Iruru. Seated Left to right: Air Nuigini’s Business Development Manager – NWS –AU, Marie Ozaltin and Air Nuigini’s Executive Manager for Sales and Distribution, Charlie Wanma, during the SPTE event in Fiji. – Image Provided by TPA PR.

The Papua New Guinea Tourism Promotion Authority (TPA) recently highlighted PNG tourism at the South Pacific Tourism Exchange (SPTE) held from May 4 to 5 in Nadi, Fiji.

With a team of eight TPA representatives in attendance, the event aimed to support tourism connections and spotlight PNG's diverse attractions to a global audience.

Organised by the Pacific Tourism Organisation (PTO), formerly the South Pacific Tourism Organisation (SPTO), SPTE stands as a pivotal trade showcase for Pacific Island nations’ tourism offerings to international buyers from key markets.

SPTE markets, promotes, and develops tourism in the Pacific Region. It provides a significant opportunity for PNG’s local tour operators, hoteliers, airlines and travel logistics to engage directly with international buyers, building their networking and conducting business.

TPA's robust presence underscored PNG's commitment to the PTO and its tourism-related objectives.

Eric Mossman Uvovo, TPA’s Chief Executive Officer, emphasized the significance of active participation, citing SPTE as a premier avenue to spotlight PNG's natural beauty, cultural richness, and unique experiences to potential visitors.

Mr Uvovo said: "Active participation in the South Pacific Tourism Exchange, organized by PTO, serves as a premier platform to showcase our nation's tourism attractions to international buyers from key markets.”

“The face-to-face meetings facilitated at SPTE will allow us to effectively promote PNG as an iconic tourist destination, renowned for our pristine landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and unique experiences. It's a chance for us to showcase the best of what our country has to offer.”

TPA’s involvement aligned with its overarching goal of cultivating partnerships within the tourism and hospitality sector. Uvovo reiterated the importance of PNG's presence at global tourism events in enhancing the country's reputation as a top-tier tourism destination.

"Through initiatives like SPTE, we continue to position ourselves as a leading destination for travellers seeking authentic experiences in the South Pacific.”

“Events like SPTE solidify our position as a premier destination for travelers seeking authentic experiences in the South Pacific,” he added.

With a focus on building lasting relationships and exploring avenues for future growth, TPA's active involvement in SPTE signals a concerted effort to elevate PNG's tourism industry on the global stage.

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