PNG NRI Unveils Strategic Plan and Corporate Plan

By: PNG Business News June 17, 2021

Photo Credit: Papua New Guinea National Research Institute - Minister for Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology and Sports Hon. Wesley Raminai, MP, with PNG NRI Council Acting Chairman Wilson Thompson and PNG NRI Council member Dr. Francis Odhuno on his right and PNG NRI Acting Director Dr. Osborne Sanida, PNG NRI Council Member Prof. Ora Renagi and his First Secretary Chris Papiali on his left after officially launching the PNG NRI Strategic and Corporate plans.

The Papua New Guinea National Research Institute (PNG NRI) recently unveiled its Strategic Plan 2021-2030 and Corporate Plan 2021-23.

Wesley Raminai, Minister of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology, and Sports, officially introduced the two publications.

Minister Raminai said, “The PNG NRI is Papua New Guinea’s leading think tank on public policy. In operationalising its mandate, I note that the Institute has a motto of ‘Inquire, Inform, Influence’.”

“To inquire is to better understand PNG’s problems, issues and challenges. To inform is to help others understand the problems, issues and challenges that have been derived from the inquiry. To influence is to advocate for effective public policies based on research and evidence generated by inquiry and the informing strategies adopted, with the ultimate objective of ensuring that the information generated and disseminated leads to informed decision-making,” he said.  

He added, “(Today) is the testament of your resilience to drive Research Agenda and Activities. Well done.”

Acting Chairman of the PNG NRI Council Wilson Thompson believed the plans are critical in realizing the Council's goal for the Institute's advancement.

“It is vital to state that the success of the plan does not depend only on what the Institute has and does but also on how we work with our stakeholders,” he stated.

Minister Raminai and his Ministry and Department played a key role in advancing the vision of the importance of research and decision-making, according to PNG NRI Acting Director Dr. Osborne Sanida.

“I acknowledge and thank the Council Chairman and members for the oversight and strategic direction it provides. And I acknowledge and thank Government Institutions, Private sector, NGOs, development partners, and the media, for your support and contribution to the work of the Institute over the years and anticipated support to be part of the implementation of the documents to be launched by our Minister today.

“Finally, I acknowledge my staff who will be at the forefront driving and implementing the activities to achieve the goals and objectives of the two plans,” Dr Sanida added.

The 10-year NRI Strategic Plan 2021-2030, the first document, focuses on five critical areas:

  • NRI vision and mission;
  • The Institute's operating principles; The Institute's operational objectives, which transform the vision, purpose, and guiding principles into actionable areas;
  • Specific methods that the Institute will pursue over the plan period in order to promote the Institute's function as an applied socioeconomic public policy think tank; and
  • Ethical research obligations.

The Corporate Plan for the years 2021-2023 is a three-year plan that is divided into the following core areas:

  • Vision and Mission Statement, to set the direction for the Plan;
  • Governance and Management, to establish the Institute's legal foundation or mission, as well as the governance and management systems that will guide the Plan's execution;
  • Organizational structure, which summarizes the Institute's organization in terms of main functions and how they are related;
  • Plan for the Research Division, which includes eight research initiatives. The Division is in charge of the Institute's main mission;
  • Plan for the PNG APEC Study Centre (PNG ASC) and the Decentralisation and Citizenship Participation Research Program; Plan for the Corporate Services Division (CSD), which is divided into five sections and whose main purpose is to provide the Institute with the necessary corporate services to support its operations;
  • The major purpose of the Knowledge Management Division (KMD) Plan, which is divided into two divisions, is to give assistance in the areas of publishing, editing, information management, and communications.



Loop (14 June 2021). “NRI Launches 2021-2030 Plans”.

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