Prime Minister Hon. James Marape Commends Development Plan, Announces Additional Funding for Mendi-Munihu District

By: PNG Business News May 13, 2024

In a significant endorsement of local governance, Prime Minister Hon. James Marape has praised the Mendi-Munihu District for its proactive approach to development, highlighted by the creation of the Mendi-Munihu District Five-Year Development Plan 2023-2027.

Speaking before a large gathering at the Momei Oval in Mendi on Thursday, May 2, 2024, the Prime Minister underscored the alignment of the district’s plan with the national Medium-Term Development Plan IV (MTDP IV) 2023-2027.

“The plan aligns well with our national objectives, and in support, an additional K7 million will be provided to kick-start its implementation,” said Prime Minister Marape.

The event saw the presence of notable figures including Southern Highlands Governor Hon. William Powi, Defence Minister and Nipa-Kutubu MP Hon. Dr. Billy Joseph, Higher Education Minister Hon. Don Polye, Hela Governor Hon. Philip Undialu, and other senior leaders. Secretary for National Planning, Koni Samuel, was also in attendance.

Prime Minister Marape reiterated the national government’s commitment to supporting Mendi- Munihu and all other districts in their development endeavors. He highlighted the substantial future investment plans, with more than K100 million earmarked for each district over the four- year period from 2024 to 2027.

“I appeal to the district administration, ward councillors and others to adhere strictly to this plan when you make submissions for funding,” he stated.

Additionally, the Prime Minister made a strong appeal to the local community to resolve tribal conflicts and political differences, emphasising the need for peace and unity for the betterment of Mendi. He lamented the past disruptions caused by local conflicts, such as the prolonged closure of Mendi Airport and the destruction of judicial buildings.

“The closure and destruction were not the actions of our governor or other leaders, but by the very people who are now suffering the most. It is essential that we stop such behaviour and embrace change,” Prime Minister Marape urged.

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