Kumul Petroleum Brings More Fuel into PNG

By: PNG Business News May 27, 2024

Kumul Petroleum Holdings has organised more shipments of fuel, including vital Jet A1 to alleviate the current shortages experienced by the country.

Kumul Petroleum managing director, Wapu Sonk, advised,” We are aware that current fuel importers are unable to meet the demand for fuel, particularly the Jet A1 used by the aviation industry, and once again we have stepped in to address this shortage.”

During April this year Kumul Petroleum organised a tanker of fuel that averted a previous fuel supply crisis brought about by Puma’s withdrawal in supplying fuel to the country. As a follow up to this initiative. Kumul Petroleum is stepping in for the second time to bring fuel into the country, and two shipments have been organised.

“The first of approximately 38 million litres of diesel and 8 million Litres Jet A1 has been purchased from Puma in Singapore. This will be sold to Puma in PNG, and is arriving on the tanker Nord Miyabi, which is expected to discharge its cargo in Port Moresby on or about 21st May.”

“The second shipment of 8 million litres of Jet A1 has been purchased from ExxonMobil and this is expected to arrive in the country on the 1st or 2nd of June.” The total import should be enough to cover market demand for at least two months.

“We are aware that until the country’s fuel supply chain arrangements stabilise, KPHL will be actively involved in the import and marketing of fuel for as long as it takes to ensure that there is a reliable and constant supply to the country to ensure continuity of fuel supply to essential businesses, industry and the public.”

“We have reached agreement with Puma to acquire fuel from them and for them to buy and use their infrastructure to distribute to the country for the near term. This arrangement will ensure fuel and energy security for the country, especially with regard to Jet A1, for the foreseeable future.” Mr Sonk ended by saying,” KPHL is also working on a medium to long term fuel supply solution as requested by the NEC and our legislated mandate to ensure a fair and level playing field for the energy industry as well as reduce the demands for US dollars for fuel in the country.” 

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