Dataco and Oracle Sign MOU to Introduce World Class Cloud Infrastructure

By: Roselyn Erehe May 20, 2024

Hon. Timothy Masiu MP, Minister For Information and Communication Technically and Member for South Bougainville. - Image Provided by TL

Papua New Guinea DataCo and Oracle have signed a memorandum of understanding to advance the country’s critical digital infrastructure and to introduce world-class cloud infrastructure through the Oracle Alloy product.

The MOU was signed on May 10th in Port Moresby as Information and Communication technology Minister Timothy Masiu welcomed Oracle Corporation into PNG to support the government's digital transformation agenda.

Mr.  Masiu congratulated DataCo for this initiative and welcomed the signing of the MOU. He said the world re-known company Oracle, specializing in cloud technology has offered to invest in critical digital infrastructure in Papua New Guinea.

"I met with PNG Dataco and Oracle officials this week and am impressed with what they can bring in including training and capacity building and to work with PNG DataCo to strengthen and expand their digital infrastructure to support the overall government digital transformation agenda."

Mr.  Masiu encouraged PNG DataCo and Oracle to continue working in partnership with the Department of Information and Communication Technology as the department under the Digital Government Act 2022 is managing a "whole-of-government" approach to delivering cloud technology services.

The Department has advanced design and development of various critical e-government services including single sign-on to digital services and the eGovernment Portal, he said.

Mr.  Masiu urged government entities to work with DICT, DataCo and Oracle to make this partnership feasible through providing required information and data to plan, tailor and customize their infrastructure and technical skills and build rollout plans in line with DICTt s framework and road map.

"Our people desperately need digital services made simple, fast, and easy. With our geography and terrain, services are hard to reach our people but there are certain services that can be offered digitally and this is what the government envisions through the Digital Transformation Policy. We are ambitious in this endeavor as we head towards our silver jubilee in 2025."

PNG DataCo Limited are keen for Papua New Guinea’s communications infrastructure and the future of connectivity.

PNG DataCo Limited CEO, Paul Komboi, GCL, OBE, made a presentation on Papua New Guinea’s communications infrastructure and the future of connectivity in the region at the Innovation PNG 2023, held at APEC Haus, Port Moresby on 10 November 2023.

He discussed the PNG Communications Market Snapshot, Supporting PNG’s Digital Ecosystem, DataCo Digital Infrastructure Plan, alignment with GoPNG’s MTDP-IV, Key Programs, and other innovative programs.

This is the next step Dataco is taking in supporting PNG’s future in digital connectivity.

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